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when a guy closes a zipper on the head of his dick.

Ted (holding himself): Owwwww!
Billy: What's wrong with you?
Ted: I zipperheaded myself when I went to the bathroom...

by modernmusicisstupid July 15, 2010

76👍 291👎

good music

something not popular in today's society.

12 year old girl: "OMG!!! JUSTIN BIEBER!!! =D"
Normal person: *changes station whenever he comes on the radio* "God, wheres all the good music lately..."

by modernmusicisstupid August 13, 2010

191👍 49👎

Pink factor

what happens when an artist's or band's songs go from happy and normal to angry most or all of the goddamn time. It is the reverse of selling out

Ed: "What happened to Blue October?"
Mike: "Oh, they just got the Pink factor. They went from love songs to wanting to stab people."

by modernmusicisstupid June 26, 2010

2👍 3👎


someone who is mostly normal but goes into huge overreactionary fits and phases of being a complete asshole.

Jerry's normally cool, but when he plays basketball he's a spazzhole

by modernmusicisstupid January 20, 2011

1👍 1👎