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A gyroscope mounted, Infrared aim assisted and auto targeting light machine gun used by the marines Jennette Vasquez and Mark Drake in the James Cameronmovie Aliens (1986). Also known as "Adios", "Bitch," and the "Independantly targeting particle beam phalanx." God help you if you piss someone off who wields this beast. I want one.

see also, bfg

"Check it out. Indepentantly targeting particle beam phalanx. WHAM! Fry half a city with this puppy :P" Private Hudson onboard the marine dropship.

"LETS ROCK!" "YEAH!!" Privates Vasquez and Drake before going bat shit crazy with the smartguns in the atmosphere processor.

"Hey kid! Theres a smartgun here with your name on it." Unknown colonial marine in the 2010 video game aliens vs predator

by monkeyskitz April 27, 2010

6👍 1👎

Zero Punctuation

A series of video game reviews presented by TheEscapist.com, written and hosted by Ben Yahtzee Croshaw. New episodes are published every week, on a Wednesday.
Despite several attacks on Croshaw, many simple minded people have failed to grasp that Zero Punctuation is not about reviewing, but CRITICISING a game. Croshaw has stated on various occasions that he is primarily a critic, not a reviewer, and anyone who cannot understand that should not bother watching his videos if they are merely going to nerdrage.

"But, like a glass of milk with a spider in it, towards the end it all goes horribly wrong." Croshaw during his Dark Void review.

"Recently we recieved a mail from soneone whose name i forget explaining that they were going to stop watching Zero Punctuation." Croshaw starting the Wii Sports Resort review.

"but you dont call a sewage technician to redecorate your bathroom, and you you didnt come to me to hear how a game is good. Not when every other review has done it already." Croshaw providing the point that he is a critic, during the Batman Arkham Asylum review.

by monkeyskitz April 27, 2010

227👍 128👎