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A style of painting that applies photorealism to urban images.

I loved that Ur-realism art show, especially the images of Tiajuana bars with hookers standing outside.

by monkiki July 18, 2006

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Man Coulter

Nickname for Ann Coulter because she has what appears to be an adam's apple, probably due to her advanced age and extreme anorexia. BTW, it's not putting down drag queens, its a slur at her lack of femininity as well as blatant lack of humanity. She is hated by anyone with a sense of human decency.

Man Coulter's adam's apple was very visible today on Faux News. It was bobbling while s/he spewed more annoying hate speech. Man Coulter's ten times the man Bill O'Reilly is.

by monkiki November 15, 2007

130πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

butthole surfer

1. A tape worm.

2. Well known weird garage surf band.

Looks ath the cover of "Indendant Worm Saloon" by the BHS

by monkiki February 25, 2005

182πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

Nicknamed "The Pittbull With Lipstick", the trooper-scandal-ear-mark-queen-ebay-airplane-lies-ethics-investigated VEEPchoice for the Republican Party 2008.

In a last ditch desperate response to the 80,000 people cheering Obama and his wife at the DNC , the Rovian McCain campaign decided to pull a fast one. They added a 'woman' to their ticket, perhaps hoping to spark some media interest, after noting the boring and sleep enducing effect McCain has on TV watchers.

It was effective. She was on the cover of People magazine immediately.

A creationist, angry, super religious, anti-gay, gun enthusiast and former member of the Alaskan Successionists (who hate America so much they want to actually NOT be American anymore), she gave new energy to the media's otherwise lackluster coverage of the republican convention.

She was a beauty queen, very pretty, and able to make nasty, extreme speeches blasting her oponenent with facts that are not based on reality - all the while wearing a snide smile.

Not surprisingly, neocons, gay haters, rednecks and religious wingnuts rally around her like flies on a pudding pop.

Q: What's the difference between Bush and Sarah Palin?
A: Lipstick

David Letterman thinks Sarah Palin is a Lenscrafters model.

by monkiki September 9, 2008

86πŸ‘ 195πŸ‘Ž


poop - when you're being politein front of your granny (like saying "shoot" instead of shit).

they don't give a phoop

by monkiki February 26, 2005

37πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A style of painting emerging in the late 60s and early 70s that depicts perfect representation as in a photo. Subject matter is often mundane items like truckstops and shiny cars or toys.

The leading members of the Photorealist movement are Richard Estes and Chuck Close. Photorealism is really shiny.

by monkiki July 18, 2006

31πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


To fool with something. To fix, tinker, mess with.

Stop monkeying around with that!

by monkiki February 25, 2005

265πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž