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The life span of communism= 1. valuable observations about the short comings of the free market system.
2. Stupid hypothesis formed to address these observations.
3. Conclusion= David Hassellhoff atop the Berlin Wall and Vladimir Putin's oversized bank account.

Utopia can't be created on Earth. This is why communism is a fundamentally flawed idea.

by mortheus March 9, 2009

652👍 540👎

blood sucker

There are two types of blood sucker
1. The "leech" feeds off of another individual when they are strong.

2. The "vampire" feeds off of another individual when they are weak.

The leech is a "tag-along"
The vampire enjoys "kicking people when they are down.
This is the definition of a blood sucker

by mortheus April 14, 2009

54👍 18👎