the lowest form of travelling kid within the punk spectrum. analagous to the hippie "drainbow" but usually worse.
a slight variant on the oogle.
a scumfuck must: not give a fuck. be very very drunk. be dirty. ride trains or pretend to.
scumfucks usually listen to g.g. allin, the original scumfuck, but some prefer only pure norwegian blackmetal (esp. burzum, since they are one of the most fucked-up blackmetal bands). the blackmetal thing is more prevalent now.
will be seen wearing dirty carhartts or cargo pants, adorned with numerous patches. patches will often include those of train companies (this is omnipresent among train-riding kids) and beer/ liquor companies (this is usually a bad sign).
facial tattoos abound, and are usually poorly-done.
scumfucks will ask anyone for money, even other travelling punks.
often travel with dogs, usually very badly-behaved pitbulls.
"This goddamn scumfuck stole my backpack and his dog shit all over everything."
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