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A highly addictive drug weak-minded people smoke as an excuse for their shitty "stressful" lives. Most smokers started up because of peer pressure, since they can't be their own person they have to follow their (supposed) friends' trend and kill themselves, just to fit in.

Many smokers claim "this is my last pack, I'm quitting tomorrow" when in reality, they dont have the willpower and probibly will never quit.

If the smoker goes without one for a few days, they turn into a violent, nasty, spiteful, depressive moaning cunt until they get their daily fix, how very attractive for the oposite sex.

One of the biggest money-grabbing schemes the Government has come up with, by taxing cigarettes so much, not only do they take your hard earned cash, it also fuels their corrupt regimes and funds "the war on terror".

Smokers convince themselves they're in the right, and somehow higher and mightier than non-smokers, because they "dont give a shit" despite their massive money defeceit, smelly clothes, bad breath and ill health. Well, just keep convincing yourselves guys.

Modern cigarettes are packed with chemicals to make the tobacco burn quicker and more addictive so the user will spark up another one straight after, since after 3 drags or so its gone. Now tell me, would you settle for watered-down, low alchoholic beer? I didnt think so either.

The fortunate few who see the error of their ways and quit wondered why they bothered at all, as the negatives easily outweigh the positives. Good for you, you've seen the light.

hahahaha you're going to die of cancer, how I laugh, as you spend all your money on cigarettes.

by mr spanky August 7, 2006

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