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cyber police

A meme made popular by 4channers and BB'ers on July 15th from a YouTube video of a crying 12 year old girl. Apparently, her videos were being raided with comments such as "you dun goofed up" and "what a fuckin whore". Her first response to all of the comments was by posting a video threatening all of her "haters" saying that she will pop a glock and countless other ravaging insults. She responded with yet another video, this time, she was bawling in tears and her crack head father was in the background wearing sandals and socks yelling and threatening her haters that if they do not stop insulting her daughter he will report them to the cyber police. Thus, a meme was born. Multiple memes have been formed due to this video.

You dun goofed man... consequences will NEVER be the same. Brb reporting you to cyber police.

by mrJoee July 16, 2010

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