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Twice Baked

Person who fries their brain through heavy drug use, gives them up and becomes a born again Christian.

Tiffany, once a heavy meth user, lost a large share of her mental capacity for self control, reason, empathy, and logic. Substituting the chemical high of meth in lieu of extreme religious views and being "high on God", her brain is now Twice Baked.

by mrb200 July 1, 2015

Vaginal Knitting

Knitting from wool that has been inserted into ones vagina. Term coined by Australian TV channel SBS2Australia in reference to performance art "Casting Off My Womb" by artist Casey Jenkins

Everyday I take a new skein of wool that's been wound so that it will unravel from the center and I stick it up inside me... and then I pull out the thread and perform vaginal knitting.

by mrb200 October 27, 2015