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The most wrong, misguided, idiot generation of recent history.

The generation that stands on the shoulder of those of the misguided of Generation X that never got corrected, now lecturing the halls of today's colleges & universities, convinced THEY have rightfully *inspired* these millenials (de-capped) to shame others & forcibly & *toxically* like everything THEY churn out as liberal staple...

So damn empowering!.. But, not to those whom it matters.

Just when you think they might someday amend themselves in maturity, hopes are thwarted for they are hooked on today's media on a feedback of idiot positivity, incessant compliments & false self-justification. You won't have seen a pleasure-driven generation & not know it. Set to spoil the generation post gen z (de-capped, time can only tell if permanently) far worse than THOSE above that were not corrected, they would be impervious to self-realization.

Teacher: Kid, all your answers are millenials (wrong)! How could you not fail the exam!?

by mrdabbleswithpotion January 14, 2022

1👍 13👎


Society's poison. They function that way EVERWHERE the go.

Along with denisovan-types -- filipinos, chaynese, indians (!!!!!!). The last the worst. Glad they did not have an empire. Right... As if they could organize like so. So much dysfunction with them.

Ex 1:

I'm playing the Civilization game? I want to make it interesting by fcking over my own civilization. Should I go about t by wars, famine, plague?.. Ah, I know, I'll just add british-types (english/anglo saxons at it's core) to the mix. That'll be VERY FUNNY.

Ex 2:

How do you spoil a girl? You cradle by her every whims, emotions, shower her with compliments? No. You put her around british-types. Forget katies, though. She's been that way before her friends found & hate on her (she doesn't see it, though). Only as much as you can do with German girls, really.

by mrdabbleswithpotion January 22, 2022


Society's poison. They function that way EVERWHERE the go around the world.

Ex 1:

I'm playing the Civilization game? I want to make it interesting by fcking over my own civilization. Should I go about t by wars, famine, plague?.. Ah, I know, I'll just add british-types (english/anglo saxons at it's core) to the mix. That'll be VERY FUNNY.

Ex 2:

How do you spoil a girl? You cradle by her every whims, emotions, shower her with compliments? No. You put her around british-types. Forget katies, though. She's been that way before her friends found & hate on her (she doesn't see it, though).

by mrdabbleswithpotion January 22, 2022


Society's poison. They function that way EVERWHERE the go.

I'm playing the Civilization game? I want to make it interesting by fcking over my own civilization. Should I go about t by wars, famine, plague?.. Ah, I know, I'll just add british-types (english/anglo saxons at it's core) to the mix. That'll be VERY FUNNY.

by mrdabbleswithpotion January 22, 2022


A *cutesy* woman who likes being told what to do & who to be, but actually very terrible & toxic herself (passive aggressively). Born of a horny union (out of anything) of a young couple, raised by a terrible mother who pushes dreams to her because the mother has nothing, hoping the man she seduced would add quality to what the mother has not.

Tell her to screw random guys, as part of the corruption of fake liberalism &, liking being told what to do, she will! All to keep her bad british-type friends of san francisco. They are IDIOTS there.

A no-talent actress, comedian, screenwriter (??) & honestly, quite ugly too. Leads you to ask, "What is she doing in the industry?". Takes too much to her *posers* mother side of the family.

Eeek!! You are!.. The worst ever! You are a kathryn (common noun)!!!

by mrdabbleswithpotion December 7, 2021


A special case of humiliation or denigration. When someone uses grounds of right & wrong to embarrass you to submission, but was never about morality from the start. May no one see what they do outside public eye. Fcking hypocrites.

Ain't it funny for shaming people to wake up one day with self-awareness?
They'd shame themselves to tears.

by mrdabbleswithpotion December 10, 2021


(pronounced cannot dignity)

When cana-duh-ans walk around as if they're the most dignified & righteous people you'll ever see, ready to criticize & shame those that show an inkling of flaw.

Look at the cana-duh-an PM trudeau. His slight smile, his confidence & his carry of himself is full of disgusting self-deceiving canadignity that is easy to fall for. You almost trust the culture.

by mrdabbleswithpotion December 25, 2021