Source Code

Stood Up

As in "To get stood up" or "To be stood up"
To have gone on a date, except to find that you've been left by yourself because your date never showed up.

1. I had a date with a really hot girl last week, but she stood me up after realizing she was way too good for me.

2. My sister got stood up by a jerk last night after going to the restaurant and she had to eat dinner all by herself. She's never going to see that jerk again!

3. I was really looking forward to my date last night with Jenn. I even made the effort to cook a four-course dinner and light candles in the dining room. But sadly, I got stood up and all my effort was in vain.

4. If you're stood up by a woman, that might be a sign that she just isn't interested in you.

by mrpaul1112 December 2, 2005

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