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Just like television.

A drug used by a very few, at the very top who run the world, to limit free and independent thought.

Especially to distract the youth, who will inherit the world, from the horrible situation they will inevitably ... inherit.

Did you know the second round of funding into Facebook ($US12.7 million) came from venture capital firm Accel Partners. Its manager James Breyer was formerly chairman of the National Venture Capital Association, and served on the board with Gilman Louie, CEO of In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm established by the Central Intelligence Agency in 1999.

One of the company's key areas of expertise are in "data mining technologies".

Facebook's own Terms of use state: "by posting Member Content to any part of the Web site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, reformat, translate, excerpt and distribute such information and content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorpoate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorise sublicenses of the foregoing.

This is no hippie bullshit people!

by muffin33ter October 22, 2011

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