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The name of the car that captain Hazel Murphy drove around in Sealab 2021.

Hey whos up for a whirl in the Murphmobile

by murphoman May 28, 2010

Pigs arse

An Australian way of saying "yeah right"

Minister: "Prime Minister, apparently George Bush has an IQ of 160."
Prime Minister:"Pigs arse!"

by murphoman May 25, 2010

23👍 5👎


An insulting term for an uncultured person, usually said by posh people

Gordon: "I don't understand this painting at all".

Art Gallery owner: "Phillestine."

by murphoman May 25, 2010

5👍 2👎

Marden fish & chip shop

Also known as hells fish and chip shop. A place where your bound for an early grave if you eat the chips

Sarah: "Hey Jim, wanna go to the Marden fish & chip shop?"
Jim:"I would no sooner eat the ungodly food stuff under the oven."

by murphoman May 29, 2010

7👍 7👎


Another word for vile or disgusting usually said by the British

1. God this music is rancid.
2. This milk has gone rancid.

by murphoman May 26, 2010

7👍 2👎

hinga danga durgan

a phrase you say on Leif Erricson day (just make up the date of the holiday)

Spongebob squarepants: "Hey everyone its Leif Erricson day, Hinga Danga Durgan"

by murphoman May 14, 2010

1👍 8👎