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President Trump

45th President of the United States of America. He made the economy better and protects the country from illegal Mexican immigrants.

President Trump: "We will build a wall to keep our border safe!"

by my brain is FUBAR November 22, 2018

44👍 63👎


Acronym for "as soon as possible".

Frequently used in military to make someone of lower rank to complete an action.

Pronounced "A-SAP" not "A-S-A-P"

Staff Sergeant: "Go clean up your barrack ASAP! It smells worse than my @$$"
Innocent Private: "Yes S.Sgt"

by my brain is FUBAR November 22, 2018

Justin Trudeau

The worst (natural, social, economic, political) disaster that Canada ever had. If you ask him a question, he will call you a racist or an intolerant before you even finish saying "Mr Trudeau, I have a questi..." His ministers are as smart as a 10 year old kid. Creates a huge debt for the country and keeps on saying: "tHe BuDgEt WiLl BaLaNcE iT sElF !11!!!1" Gives 10 million dollars to a terrorist and let even more of them get into the country.

Jack: "Hey dude, I'm broke."
Steve: "What did you do again?"
Jack : "I bought stuff online that never came."
Steve: "Shit, when will you learn to not act like Justin Trudeau?"
Jack: "You are an intolerant because you said that God Justin Trudau was bad!!!!"

by my brain is FUBAR November 22, 2018

1401👍 148👎