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Poppy, is a girl with darkish blonde hair and blue eyes, she says she doesn’t care about her appearance but always puts in an Effort to look better than others. Yeah, she acts like she is the victim of everything and she isn’t. Poppy is not a good person when it comes to how she treats people and their emotions, I hope amber is able to come to her sense and realize that poppy is changing and manipulating her into something that she is not.

“Ugh poppy, that prissy white bitch

by mygrandpajustdied August 5, 2018

1👍 3👎


Poppy is a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, although her both name isn’t poppy. She says she doesn’t mind her appearance but always pursue in effort to look nice. Yeah, she acts like she is the victim of everything and she isn’t. Poppy is not a good person when it comes to how she treats people and their emotions, I hope amber is able to come to her sense and realize that poppy is changing and manipulating her into something that she is not.

‘UGH! She’s a prissy white bitch, she must be a poppy’

by mygrandpajustdied August 5, 2018


When you read about a Madison a lot of you will think, oh she is gorgeous and she’s got everything going for her, and well she’s just perfect! But actually you need to dig a little deeper, they’ll read about the others and how they talk about how great they are and it makes them sadder. Because they know it isn’t real and inside they’re hurting. They think they’re fat, not pretty, and DOESNT have a boyfriend. They don’t have the luck. You’ll be happy sometimes but all the other times she’ll secretly go away crying hoping someone will notice... except no one does. ‘Hey Madison your grandpa just died’ one more thing to add to the things I cry about.. if you know a Madison it’s most likely she’s trying to lighten up but those feelings will always be with her so make her feel wanted and loved cause she won’t be.

Poppy: oh Madison’s fine, she’s laughing and smiling!
Madison: *in head* well inside I’m actually breaking down...
Amber: yeah your right, she’ll be fine let’s go hang out without her!
Madison: *in head* no! please!
Poppy: wow! I’ve taught you well, LETS GO!

This was written by a Madison...

by mygrandpajustdied August 5, 2018

119👍 17👎


Madison is definitely someone you’ll want to meet! She had dirty blonde hair with stunning blue eyes. She tries to be funny and crack a joke but doesn’t always make sense or is funny. She always tries to be the best she can in her preferable sport ~ usually something with swimming but more fun (like synchronized swimming). Madison is quite good looking and is reasonably thin (don’t feel bad though cause guys like some curves 😏😏) she usually wears her hair in a side parting or in a ponytail. She also loves to eat food, she tries to eat healthy but her stomach gets the better of her. Madison has mixed gendered friends - boys and girls. Madison likes the color blue and will be a perfect girlfriend although no one usually gives her a chance. She is very stubborn at times but she almost always has a good reason, she likes to speak her mind. Madison loves her friends dearly and will try her hardest to never hurt them.
If you have a Madison, give her a chance.. she might end up very wealthy

Guy1: yo that Madison girl is so stubborn

Guy2: oh cmon man give her a chance
Guy3: well she’s quite funny


Madison all in all is loving and caring but hides it underneath her wall of self pity.

by mygrandpajustdied October 16, 2018

9👍 2👎