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A small town in Sussex County, NJ that consists of tobacco, cows, and grass. An estimated 13.6 people live in Sandyston. For every person that lives in Sandyston there are 78 farm animals. Although many people from Sussex County think they live in "the country" they are fucking stupid. Sandyston could be considered "country" but isn't truly. It's too small. Fuck my dog. Some residents of Sandyston like to refer to it as "S-Town". It's "ton" not "town" you fucking cock goblins. Surrounding township citizens and many students from KRHS like to pick fun at the citizens of Sandyston because they live in the middle of fucking nowhere and have tiny penises. We don't have tiny penises. Our penises are of adequate size. Even the chicks'. Well I guess that's it. I guess I'll make like a tree and get the fuck out of here.

Genitalia "LOL, those kids are from Sandyston"
Kids from Sandyston "You think I have a tiny penis?"

by mynameisn'tmatt May 23, 2011

15👍 4👎