"I don't wear a mask. The schools open or they don't get funding. This is going to go away without a vaccine. Our numbers are great."
Donald J Trump: "Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19."
The letters in "Make America Great Again" rearranged are "i.e., Karma Came Great Again.
"I don't wear a mask. The schools open or they don't get funding. This is going to go away without a vaccine. Our numbers are great."
Donald J Trump: "Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19."
The letters in "Make America Great Again" rearranged are "i.e., Karma Came Great Again.
"I don't wear a mask. The schools open or they don't get funding. This is going to go away without a vaccine. Our numbers are great."
Donald J Trump: "Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19."
The letters in "Make America Great Again" rearranged are "i.e., Karma Came Great Again.