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When you unplug, eactivate your social media accounts, and disappear for a three-day weekend/holiday.

During quarantine, your Screen-Breaking options are Scrabble and homemade sushi, but we're planning a group camping trip for summer Screen-Breaking.

by mysticklemom April 27, 2020

Scottish Confetti

Similar to, "Irish Confetti," but instead of rocks and sticks being used as projectiles in a rebellious protest, the projectiles consist of feces and buckets of piss.

When they were publicly protesting the taxes on city water-pipes, Angus and his crew got so wound-up that they threw Scottish Confetti towards the Governor's podium; can someone please go bail them out?

by mysticklemom February 13, 2021


A person who claims to be your friend, but who refuses to do anything to help you when you ask;
A fair-weather friend who makes weak excuses when you need help with a two-or-more-person job.

Even though everyone comes to my house to eat, hang-out, and party; when I needed help painting the kitchen, the comfort-junkies were all busy playing video games and watching movies, to pick up a paintbrush or roller for five minutes.

by mysticklemom November 14, 2018


When a Girl/Chick/Woman catches her BF in the act with another female (or male/nonbinary human) on video and posts it publicly on IG, FB, Twitter, Snap, or other social media platform, then tags the chick in the post and switches it to, "private."

Did you see how pissed Tyler was when Tinky and Bones razzed him about cheating with that vid?

Yeah, right? He needed it. That's the way to Catch-Rumplestiltskin-By-The-Balls!

Now they know who the Baby-Daddy is...

by mysticklemom June 8, 2020


Old-school, condescending, dismissive, adage as an excuse for, "Wisdom;" hiding the fact that an old person never actually learned anything for their entire life.

Don't bother asking him anything, he'll just rattle off a triflin'-trope and then call you a,"stupid millennial."

by mysticklemom November 11, 2018

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