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Madison is a pretty, sweet, likeable girl who makes an amazing friend and family member. Madison is beautiful inside and out. She’s nice to everyone and tries to see the best in everything and everyone around her. She doesn’t have perfect grades, but she is still undeniably smart - probably because she works so hard. When she cares about something she really cares, and if she wants something there’s no stopping her from getting it (whether it’s a life goal or simply a cup of coffee, if she wants it she’ll get it). She’s an extremely supportive friend and will defend you know matter what. She’s also not afraid to cut a bitch if necessary. If you get the chance to be friends with a Madison, take it. It’s an amazing friendship to be a part of.

“Why are you friends with that girl?”

“Why aren’t you friends with her? She’s Madison.”

by nannyannie152 April 9, 2019


Kyleigh is a funny and caring person with great hair. Seriously. Her hair is gorgeous. You will envy her for her hair. She can make you laugh in any situation, and will stick by you in your weakest moments. She can sometimes be a little stubborn, but it’s only because she really cares about what she’s doing. She’s so clumsy she could make a drunk giraffe look graceful. She’s smart but only when she wants to be. She’s a great friend.

The nicest asshole you will ever meet.

Wow Kyleigh I didn’t think you could win an award for falling.

by nannyannie152 April 9, 2019

5👍 1👎


Madeline is a cute, nerdy, and amazingly intelligent girl. She’ll tell you that she’s fat and ugly, and she’ll want you to go along with it but you know she’s actually gorgeous. She’s nerdy and wants to learn everything she can. She’s almost always busy - with sports, music, art, honors classes, and volunteer work - but she never fails to make time for her friends and family. She values them very much. She can act mean but she has a truly big heart and cares so much about even the smallest things. She’s the kind of friend who you can call at 3am and she will pick up the phone ready to give you advice. When you’re in a stressful situation she’ll have a mental breakdown for you, because that’s how much she cares about you.

I don’t think you’re supposed to eat that many pop tarts at once, Madeline.

by nannyannie152 April 9, 2019

107👍 12👎