Source Code


level two of sentence enhancers
8=The Finger
* using two means adding.

by nappyafrochik April 5, 2003

1276πŸ‘ 581πŸ‘Ž


a word that died a horrible death in 1993 but still manages to haunt us through usage by white kids in nice neighborhoods who by some strange dementia think they are from the projects. you poor unfortunate soul.

Lookit me, i'm hardcore gangster. One day i'm playin in the front yard in my striped t shirt beating the dog witha stick and the next day i'm out sellin weed pimpin my 82 buick while blastin Lil Wayne. I'm real tough and straight from the hood, YO.

by nappyafrochik April 24, 2003

986πŸ‘ 828πŸ‘Ž

winona ryder

to steal something.

Man i can't believe you jsut pulled a winona ryder from Gadzook's.

by nappyafrochik April 24, 2003

68πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


a common string of expletives. flows forth easily.

i missed my math test! SHITFUCKDAMN!

by nappyafrochik April 24, 2003

30πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


gay, something exhibiting homosexual tendencies, often replaces an important word in title of said homorific event or thing. never refers to people.
var.: homorificity, supercalihomorific (ONLY used when something is EXTREEEEEMLY gay)

our school's production of joseph and the homorific technicolor gaycoat was homorific. It was almost...supercalihomorific.

by nappyafrochik April 5, 2003

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

the safety dance

sex with a condom

i either do the safety dance or none at all

by nappyafrochik April 7, 2003

9πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


a car which takes mad skills to be able to pimp; more that two people under twenty five in a taurus is often referred to as a Taurus Pimpin Posse. Tauruses are not gay, they are in fact The Shit.
:::often used in phrase Pimpin' tha Taurus. Of course, the Original Taurus Pimpin' Posse is Dookie, Skittle, Oobie and Muhammad

omg Dookie, you got competition. i saw this dude and dude was pimpin the Taurus almost as well as you.

by nappyafrochik April 5, 2003

37πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž