Source Code


a homeless person

oh man your such a pevin

by nat October 27, 2003

8πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


large penis

wang, Emperor, Schlong

by nat February 25, 2004

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


sophia the greek

shit man ur muddy

by nat November 10, 2003

10πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

kool aid

A drink available in a variety of flavors, mixed as a powder with water and sometimes sugar. Anyone growing up struggling financially, ergo living in the projects, would know that kool aid is not described by flavor, but by color, with the exception of grape. see below.

bb: ay white boy, want some kool aid?
wb: sure, what flavors you got?
bb: we got red, blue, and grape
wb: what flavor is red?
bb: its red.
wb: is it cherry?
bb: damn, i said it's red! do you want it or not?

by nat April 20, 2004

2973πŸ‘ 485πŸ‘Ž


(antonym ~ greb !)
shop in shitty sports shops and find it amusing to pretend to be overly drunk.
Call male goths, grebs and skaters things such as "bummer boys" and "gays", though realistically they are the ones paying money to see men run around a football pitch in shorts.
Would rather be regarded as the lesser intelligent race due to an inability to pronounce the letters "g" and "t" and have problems when putting spaces in between words such as "in" and "it".
Main aim in life is to get pregnant before it is legal, or GET someone pregnant before it is legal.
Listen to distasteful music which is indistinguishable and write inane rubbish on toilet doors such as how they love question marks.

Mcdonalds employee or proud owner of a ford escort

by nat November 30, 2004

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


lowest place in a social group.

hes such a pritly bitch....hes go no friends.

by nat April 21, 2003

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


a man who is such a puss that he acts like a douche. a man-douche

hes so whipped hes a mouche

by nat February 15, 2004

27πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž