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Marriage and or sexual relations between two people of a different race.

The term is used primarily as a derogatory by bigoted white supremacists. They hate miscegenation, because of the idea that eventually every human will be of the same colour, essentially one world race. They claim this will destroy culture, but thats bollocks because when last i checked culture is not defined by race. No i think the real reason they hate miscegenation is because if every human was the of the same colour, the bigots wouldnt be able to derive their self esteem from hating people who are different to them.

And just for the record, the "one race" theory only applies if you believe that evolution in humans has stopped, which it hasnt.

So fuck all you fascist nazis, no one is forcing you to mix with other races, what gives you the right to try to force us not to?

If the anti-miscegenists got their way, millions of people would be forced to split with the person they love, how can anyone justify that?

Miscegenation is NOT a taboo amongst normal and rational thinking people

by nazi cunts fuck off November 17, 2008

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