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broh-skee-zee (noun)--what the biggest douchebag in the world calls his male friends

Sup broskeezee?

by nbakuchev July 14, 2010

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

baby boomer

The people who say our generation is the dumbest generation, yet their generation caused a global economic meltdown. It wasn't the Millennials buying up houses they couldn't afford and giving those loans out. It wasn't the Millennials racking up enormous credit card debt and creating a society based on material goods. (Despite their former Hippie days where they spurned materialism, these baby boomers have become the most materialistic generation).

They will suck us dry with exorbitant Medicare and Social Security costs, leaving no social safety net for those who are under the age of 40 as of 2010 officially screwed.

They will talk ten kinds of shit about how our generation is entitled, but recent research suggests we may be the most frugal generation since the 1930s due to the financial crisis that baby boomers started.

The people who make up the vast majority of Teabaggers and rail against the obscene spending they spurred on and even engage in on a regular basis. Thus, it is reasonable to assume these former far-left wingers and idealists are trying to reform society into their dystopian vision still held over from their Hippie days.

You can thank the baby boomers for destroying the society the Greatest Generation created.

by nbakuchev October 2, 2010

298πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž


Carpetbaggers have a long history. The first Carpetbaggers came to the South from Yankee states after the Civil War to make a quick buck. Later Carpetbaggers moved to the South in the 1970s when the big 3 automakers in Detroit started to fail. Modern-day Carpetbaggers primarily move to 5 cities in Texas (El Paso, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas) to escape the wretched economic prospects of their home states (usually California and Yankee states). They will take jobs from Texans and are generally ungrateful bastards, frequently calling Texans rednecks and complaining about how it sucks here as compared to their squathole in Mexifornia or New England. If Texas sucks so much, then why are you here?

The most famous modern-day Carpetbagger is Joseph Stack, the guy who rammed his plane into the IRS building in Austin.

Get out of Texas, carpetbagger!

by nbakuchev June 6, 2010

683πŸ‘ 222πŸ‘Ž


Used by bitch ass rich people who live near Downtown in those million-dollar condos by Minute Maid Park to refer to their prestige.

Those who live inside the loop in the 713 are cultured and refined.

Those who live outside the loop in the 281 are the unwashed.

by nbakuchev July 17, 2010

22πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž


When the state of Israel does a complete PR disaster and immediately gets criticized by the international community and media.

"Killing 1300 women and children over 13 Israelis dying from crappy rockets? Epic Israfail."

by nbakuchev June 8, 2010

19πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž

Rick Perry

Dictator perpetuus of Texas come November 2nd and the future president of the United States with Sarah Failin as his veep.

He won in 2006 with a whopping 39% of the vote.

He rode in on Dubya's coattails.

A vote for Rick Perry is a vote for Bush. Unfortunately, the shit-kickers and suburban retards think Bush was the greatest president ever since Ronald Raygun.

Despite what Perry says, Texas is a de facto sanctuary state that is billions in the hole with a piss-poor education system. We barely escaped from the financial crisis due to the fact that Texas has been immune to economic collapse since the 1800s and Perry had nothing to do with that.

Hitler would have been in office less than Rick Perry if he wins this year.

Remember to vote for Bill White on November 2nd. He may not have the greatest hair, but at least he's not a slimeball bastard.

I am Governor Rick Perry
I'm suave as you can see
Soon I will be president...
Obama power will soon go 'way
I will be fuhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will pray to God in school.

Texas Uber Alles.

by nbakuchev September 26, 2010

541πŸ‘ 558πŸ‘Ž

Victoria, TX

The most boring place to be in Texas. The adults are all conservative Paultards and all the kids are on a sundry assortment of drugs. This town boasts a large number of both wangstas and shit-kickers. There is a street that goes on for at least 3 miles with nothing but churches, because everyone there loves God and hates fags.

Victoria is like a black hole of souls, because once you realize the dull monotony of living here your soul gets sucked into a portal.

The fortunate Victorians either die in drunk driving accidents or leave never to return.

Yeah man, I got out of Victoria, TX as soon as I can, but I'm now seeking the help of a therapist because the shithold completely annihilated my sense of well-being.

by nbakuchev June 8, 2010

69πŸ‘ 240πŸ‘Ž