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a person, anyone in general, a name you call them

you're a wozzeck

yea, well you're a poo wozzeck

by neb and jeb February 10, 2003

6👍 20👎


a person who has no life, except for their trombone, and they have bowel problems, and yellow teeth. they normally respond to the name of dookie pants

Adam and Harrison are tromboners because they have no life.

by neb and jeb February 10, 2003

25👍 94👎


to vomit

damn i gotta blacka like a wozzeck

by neb and jeb February 10, 2003

11👍 68👎

what the frig

shortened form of "what the hecktate did you just say?"

bobo head - i'm going to go to the mall because it's tuesday morning and my mom smells like dried plaster and eggs.
notty hitch googa dumba - what the frig?

by neb and jeb February 10, 2003

14👍 32👎


really big, humongous

my sister has a giganto face

by neb and jeb February 10, 2003

7👍 5👎


another word for a boner

damn have i got a giganto hecktate!

what the hecktate?

by neb and jeb February 10, 2003

2👍 6👎