this is where you die but you live and you'er like what the f*ch am i doing here i am still alive but i'm dead idc i am going home
My friend: why are you nedyaZ? me:i guess?
Cry Baby is a fictional character who is played by Melanie Adele Martinez who was the one who came up with this night-mare in rainbows! Cry baby is introduced in the album Cry Baby!
The first song is called cry Baby It's just to introduce her.
The second song is called dollhouse and its also introducing her dysfunctional family, she hears daddy moan, mommy is passed out on the couch in a burnt cigarette in her hand,brothers room smell like weed all the time, And there Cry Baby there with a knife in her hand pointing at her wrist looking at her life
The third song is sippy cup and mommy killed daddy and put Cry Baby to sleep for a bit so she forgot and mommy brings up the excuse daddy is at work
and a bunch of there songs but i don't want to ruin the hole album
They call you Cry Baby, Cry baby. but you don't fucking care!