Source Code

broom emoji

The broom emoji 🧹 is used in group chats as a reaction to comments that violate community rules.

It’s used to prevent unwanted dialogue without using dialogue.

It’s commonly used in big group chats where lots of chatter can be annoying for members to have to scroll through. Too much scrolling can be annoying and even painful for elderly and disabled people with arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

The broom emoji reaction is used to prevent chatter from getting out of hand.

Members use a broom emoji instead of using their words to prevent further unwanted messages.

Emojis take up much less space than someone saying, “Please keep chatter to a minimum,” so while it may be passive aggressive the benefits of less chatter and less scrolling are valued.

If someone talks too much their messages will likely have multiple broom emojis 🧹 as reactions to their messages.

The people who want to violate the rules with chatter should make a new group for themselves to talk as much as they want.

***in an events group chat where people share things to do in their local community***

“I can’t wait to go this event that you just shared, I’m so excited for it!!!”

***people react to this message with a 🧹***

“Why did people react with broom emojis to my comment?”

***people again react to this message with a 🧹***

“Oh ok I googled it and I found out why thanks to urban dictionary! I’ll stop making annoying comments in here and I’ll make a new group chat! Send me a direct message if you want to join me!”

***people again react to this message with a 🧹***

by neocricket February 6, 2025