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Ashlyn is a girl who loves stargazing, feeling cozy, and sweets. She doesn't believe that she's beautiful but those who know her all recognize her beauty. Typically a Virgo or Cancer, and loves hot chocolate even when it's not cold outside. Oblivious to obvious things, but still clever and will always try to beat you. If you know an Ashlyn hold on to her forever.

Guy 1: Hey dude check out that girl
Guy 2: The one stargazing in a snuggie?
Guy 1: Yeah I see her out here every single night!
Guy 2: She's definitely an Ashlyn

by neowm master 48 February 1, 2021

dangerous word

A dangerous word is the opposite of a safe word, meaning when used it is to tell a person's significant other to continue or go further. Safe words typically mean stop, while a dangerous word means to go.

Person 1: Yeah I wanted him to keep kissing me but he was afraid to go too far
Person 2: Me and my boyfriend have a dangerous word, everytime he says banana it means he reallyyyy wants more
Person 1: oh

by neowm master 48 January 3, 2022