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in best case, a person equally attracted to both sexes. in most cases:
1. straight girls trying to get attention from men.
2. gay guys who aren't ready to come out of the closet.

i have some bisexual friends and then some "bisexual" acquaintances.

by nerm December 23, 2004

45👍 197👎


something you call someone who has a little bit of a chubby stomach and looks pregnant.

you preggie!

by nerm November 20, 2003

10👍 17👎


a mean thing to call someone who is multi-racial.

she's a mut.

by nerm November 21, 2003

260👍 222👎


exactly; you're right

x-acto! or yeah, x-acto!

by nerm November 20, 2003

11👍 13👎


in music, when the song slows down. but it can be used to call some one a retard or slow.

you're such a ritardando!

by nerm November 20, 2003

31👍 6👎


a whore or a girl who acts slutty. a girl with a bitchy attitude.

My mom is such a ho-bag.

by nerm November 19, 2003

24👍 19👎


spanish for spanglish

no puedo hablar inglés bien. entonces hablo ingléspañol con los americanos

by nerm November 17, 2004

39👍 10👎