Source Code

sex bomb

sumone who make u explode in ur pants when u sleep

great to have sex with

my girl's a sex bomb

by niki August 29, 2003

220πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


an amazing talented STUNNING lady. who is soo down 2 earth and her n jay are the cutesttt couple evaa!!! All u h8ers are jealous!

I'd rather be wit u coz i love da way u scream my name

by niki April 13, 2005

138πŸ‘ 344πŸ‘Ž

50 yen

a dumbass chinese mofo who thinks he's a black gansta. walks around like limpin. can never get sum. talks chinky-ly, but thinks is cool. looks mad ugly like all chinese.

that 50 yen was eating rice in the hood the other night when a couple of ganstas broke his ass

by niki August 28, 2003

14πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

anal chugging

Done only be college students apparently...it is where a person takes the keg tube, shoves it up their butt, and turns it on, shooting beer into their colon....the lining of the colon is super absorbant, so they feel they will get more drunk in a shorter amount of time this way.
It is also believed that because they are not DRINKING the alcohol that they would be able to pass a breathalyzer test (they are wrong).

Steve told Mindy that in order for Billy to catch up he would have to do some anal chugging because they have been drinking for hours

by niki May 26, 2004

37πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


a name used for a large penis, such as my own

i whipped out the general for my bitch

my general was saluting when i saw a fine shawty

by niki August 29, 2003

30πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


THE most giggly, funniest, and coolest lover, er, friend ever! Also known as a "stupid jevi"

Have you been a Payal today?

by niki April 18, 2004

228πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


Tering, de
woord van hollandse makelij, dat veronderstel ik ten minste
kan zowel een scheldwoord als een ziekte zijn (aangezien het een hollands woord is)
word ook vaak gebruikt om een situatie te beschrijven

krijg dan toch de stinktering ja
kapotlauwe teringtyfusjoden
rot dan op teringslet
wat een teringweertje is dit seg!

by niki February 6, 2005

33πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž