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wtfr is a abreviation for 'what the fucking rabbits'
as in describing the 'wakiest possible thing to come around on your block'
Known By Nik Tosh And Randy
While Randy Being Totally Kick ass
Nik and Tosh Made It Up WHile Trying To Type Semi-drunk

"omggzz! WTFR is with that kid with that power rangers commercial toy"

by nikolas ogden November 18, 2006

9👍 21👎


a good-nose is a nose on a human where the base is proportional to the eye. while the tip is slightly bulbous. often used as a sexual tease. meow.

"oh why hello george. your good-nose is so proportional to your eyes that it turns me on. oooh baby it is also slightly bulbous..you sexual tease you. meow."

by nikolas ogden August 30, 2006

3👍 6👎