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nine nine!

a catchphrase used by the CUTEST groups of humans ever, it symbolize their precinct; the nine nine. it’s their way to show how they are together, forever.

terry: nine nine!

everyone else: NOINE NOINE

me: crying

by nineninethings January 27, 2019

23👍 9👎

this b needs a c in her a

a word that may be interpetrated incorrectly... it means: this bitch needs a coconut in her arm! coined by the CUTEST Amy Santiago.

Amy: This B needs a C in her A!

Jake: *GASP*

by nineninethings January 27, 2019

12👍 7👎

rosa diaz

the most badass woman you’ll ever see, she’s a bisexual queen, and everyone wants her to do something to them.

rosa: what kind of woman doesn’t have an axe?

my parents: who’s that girl on the tv?

me: that’s the rosa diaz!

by nineninethings January 27, 2019