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Applied to someone who becomes so extremely dorky that it starts to become cute.

Person 1: "That new guy, he's such a dork!"
Person 2: "I actually think he's kind of adorkable."

by ninji December 12, 2013

2👍 2👎


Referring to Auschwitz in a place where it is otherwise uncool to do so.

“If it were up to me, I’d have Michelle Obama sent off to A-Town for how bad she fucked us on school lunches.”

by ninji November 13, 2023


To Doublejoke is to 1. unintentionally rhyme personal preference with a prior joke, making you seem one way; or 2. joke twice on the same topic, making you seem one way.

John: “Shalom”
Cass: “Hey haha what’s up dude welcome to the cookout”
John: “I just brought hotdogs.”
Cass: “??? are these Hebrew National hotdogs?? Are you a Jew or something?”
John: “No, no, I just doublejoked on accident.”

by ninji October 17, 2023