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signature quote

A signature quote is a quote that can fit on one or two lines, so you can add it as a part of your signature block after your (user) name to the end of an e-mail message, Usenet article, or forum post.
Basically the equivalent of wearing a t-shirt with a slogan or having a bumper sticker attached to your car.

"I just love your signature quote."
"What's-his-name has the coolest signature quote."

"That has to be the coolest signature quote ever!"
"Don't you just hate sappy signature quotes?"

by ninotchka2 August 18, 2014


clear, as in 'crystal clear'

"I made it crystal that I wasn't into him."

"He has made it crystal that he has no interest in her whatsoever."
"The way she explained things, made it crystal."
"Are we crystal on that?" "Crystal."

by ninotchka2 August 19, 2014

103👍 112👎


to work in a McJob at minimum wage

He slaves away mcjobbing with minimum wage.
She suffers from mcjobbing ennui.

by ninotchka2 June 26, 2014

2👍 1👎

web credulity

Complete and utter reliance on and trust in Internet research and online content; a tendency to believe everything read on the Web or seen posted, tweeted or pinned on Facebook or Twitter and the like; unquestioning belief in every story, legend, or dire warning that shows up on the web or in one's inbox

"Web credulity of generation Z"
"But I had more web credulity in those days than I have got now."
"S/he suffers from web credulity."
"With his web credulity he'd flunk any College's Internet gullibility test."
"Don't be so web credulous!"

by ninotchka2 October 17, 2013

1👍 1👎