The mother of nipponsei (although it is unclear if minglong is male, female, or other). Does "all the real work" of the channel (file acquisition, marking, distribution, bot maintanance, and probably the dishes too). And of course, is under-appreciated.
From all this, despite being the "lowest raking" of all the ops, is thought to have more power than GeneralSmoker and OsisNie put together.
Think about it... who is *really* in charge of your family...
<@minglong> ...
<%div> Fine, I'll change it.
<%div> ;_;
18👍 1👎
The father of nipponsei. The highest on the OP totem pole (depending on your thoughts on Generalsmoker and minglong).
Leads with a stern but fair hand... unless you happen to be the subject of his ire.
Then again, aren't all fathers all like that?
<astheuon> click here: (porn link)
<astheuon> click here: (porn link)
<astheuon> click here: (porn link)
* OsisNie sets mode: +b *!*@3D90DA9E.E09CE52A.5484086D.IP
* astheuon was kicked by OsisNie (No)
8👍 2👎
The Godfather of nipponsei. Yes, like the movie. Has "connections" to various rizon people that others can only dream of.
You really don't want to get on his bad side...
<@OsisNie> Generalsmoker is the leader of this channel. We do what he tells us to.
<@minglong> ...