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1.the most overrated state and word in any language..so overrated that any ANY one in ANY language with ANY education knows the word in English and uses it..
2.the least original word since it changes meaning decade to decade,country by country

22 yo Girl: Mom I think boys are great I've liked them always,but love is love, I reaally like this girl..she's a friend and colleague..u met her in my BD..the tall one that you said was lovely,remember?..just the kind of person I'd be happy to be in love with...guess I'm falling for her should I tell her and ask her out you think,mom?

*Mom(1995,USA)::-Crying :-screaming Oh my goddddddd..I wish I was DEAD I want to KILL myself WHAT HAVE I DONE shame on you shame on me get out of my life I don want to see you ever again i just wanted you to be NORMALL why can't you ever be NORMAL like everyone else..Girl:,,é_è,,, =((

*Mom(2013,USA) : :-shocked oh my god..okay..are you sure this is what you want? I knew this day would come but..afterall I think it's NORMAL..I guess..I hope..okay...oh god..okay...

*Mom(2013,Iran): :-Crying :-screaming Oh my goddddddd..I wish I was DEAD I want to KILL myself WHAT HAVE I DONE shame on you shame on me get out of my life I don want to see you ever again i just wanted you to be NORMALL why can't you ever be NORMAL like everyone else..,,é_è,,, =((

*Mom(2030,USA) (2018,Netherlands) (2113,Iran): oh my godddd she's great the one that studies dentistry and said wants to be an OMFS? Offcourse,totally Normal and natural tell her why not?? I'm so happy for you, you've grown up so fast ,,^_^,,

by no me June 26, 2013

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