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encyclopedia dramatica

A deliberately-offensive wikipedia parody that is often criticized on Urban Dictionary despite the fact that most of the criticism could easily be said about Urban Dictionary as well.

Encyclopedia Dramatica is full of racism, bigotry, lies, trolls, hate speech, misinformation, losers, misogamy, bad jokes, lame 4chan shit, nerds, attack articles against random people, lewdness, indecency, immaturity, and all-around hatred.

Urban Dictionary (here) is full of racism, bigotry, lies, trolls, hate speech, misinformation, losers, misogamy, bad jokes, lame 4chan shit, nerds, attack articles against random people, lewdness, indecency, immaturity, and all-around hatred.

(Neither of these sites are meant to be taken seriously.)

by no name~~~~~~~~ January 19, 2008

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