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A stuck-up cunt, the scum of the earth, known to populate most of Montreal. Always owns an iPod, loves crap like Frank Sinatra, and is as pretentious as possible. Likes to wear starched shirts, often pink, and pop their collar because they think they understand the music everyone else listens to. They always follow the latest trends without any sense of originality and smell like expensive cologne. Known to exercise the cock-block even though they usually have miniscule, tiny penises.

Usually a rich snob bastard who thinks their breeding or social class makes them cooler than other people. Actually they're going to be the first to die when the revolution occurs and I will personally eat many of their hearts.

These fuckers are worse than cockroaches and will end up being behind the utter destruction of the planet via commercialization and globalization. They are actually the Fourth Reich and definitely vote Conservative or Republican. If you see one, shoot first and ask questions later.

That preppie motherfucker's collar has so much starch in it that Atkins has issued a warning against it.

by no_os May 22, 2006

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