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living bus for ugly

the total and complete opposite of death cab for cutie , whatever that may be.

person 1:this kind of sounds like....living bus for ugly? maybe? yes? i dont know.

person 2: the opposite of death cab?

person 3: I'm confused

1/2: me too.

by noelleth mckitty pants October 15, 2006

13👍 5👎


A street in San Francisco that actually isn't as infested with drugs as people like to say it is. Especially compared to the rest of The City.

person 1: hey, are you gonna go to haight today.
person 2: yeah, i need to get some shopping done.
tourist friend: Aren't there like....a bunch of drugs there.
person 1: there's only drugs if you're looking for 'em buddy.

by noelleth mckitty pants October 15, 2006

79👍 30👎


A street in san francisco that isn't as infested with drugs as people like to say. Especially compared ot the rest of the city.

person 1: Hey, are you going to haight today?
person 2: yeah, I gotta get some shopping done.
tourist friend: isnt that where there's like...a shit load of drugs or something?
person 1: well, yeah, but you only see the drugs if you're looking for them.
Person 2: Besides, there's drugs pretty much everywhere except for like....pacific heights and the seacliff.

by noelleth mckitty pants October 15, 2006

18👍 19👎

Stuart Hall

Any place where it seems there are only males present

Also an all boys private school in San Francisco

person 19: Hey, have you been to that new restaurant?

girl: No, but i've heard its majorly Stuart Hall...only male waiters.


Little girl: hey, older brother, can I come into your room?

older brother: no way! it's totally Stuart Hall in here!

by noelleth mckitty pants August 11, 2006

35👍 25👎

hobo hill

A place in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco that gateways Haight street. There is a slight hill here which is rife with Shrubs, trees, and the like. As a result, many hobos and transients from Haight street take refuge here. Thus, it is forever known as Hobo Hill.

person 1: I see movement in hobo hill
person 2: *shuddder*
wierdo 8: You know hobos from haight arent that bad.
person 2: you're a wierdo, shut up.
person 1: He's right, compared to the rest fo the city there a little better. I'd take moon-shine-whatever-what's-his-face over the crazy lady on van ness anyday.

by noelleth mckitty pants October 15, 2006

7👍 1👎


abbreiviation for "Bad News Bears" often spoken in letters just as b.n.b

person 1: look at this traffic!
person 2: I know...it's BNB

by noelleth mckitty pants July 30, 2006

30👍 25👎


Any place where it seems there are many white people, particularly blondes.

A reference to the city directly accross the Golden Gate Bridge, Marin


person1: oh man! That golf course is totally Marin, not one nonwhite person in sight.

perosn 2: well, aren't you white?

person 3: Yeah, but he lives in the city..completely different

by noelleth mckitty pants August 11, 2006

71👍 138👎