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An existential state of being or mindset of limitless confidence.

David Beckham, now that guy exhibits self-estream. I just can't see him getting clammy hands talking to a girl, or not talking to any girl, cause he knows he'll get her...whoever she is and so does she: so he does.
- Self Estream

by noneseriously10 March 14, 2021

Thot Trap

A display often times by way of social media, but works just as well if not moreso irl of money, mansions, muscles, maserati's or all of the above to attract, gain empty praise from and "trap" as it were; easily impressed women or "thots"...to bolster your confidence to go after the woman you really want. However, what works best, by and large is using other women (preferably attractive; probably paid models) to create the illusion of urgency...think "I must jump on this right now or lose it forever"...resulting in dm slides and approaches/phone number asks or offers ad infinitum. Thot Trap successful.

Women can and often do the same thing, for that... see thirst trap.

Veronica: Damn, girl he has a nice bod, and a boat. I'm thinking 'bout slidin'. What yu think?

Erica: Don't do it. Its probably not even his.

Veronica: The bod or the boat?

(Clearly impressed)

Erica: Both, haven't you ever heard of photoshop?

Veronica: What guy do you know that's this good at photoshop? (Still staring)

Erica: GIRL, EARTH TO VERONICA. HELLOOo...its a Thot Trap. Are you a thot?

Veronica: A thot what?

Erica: Its a thing, I swear. Anyway, look it up...cause I'm tired 'o talkin' bout this. Its on urban dictionary. Google it.

Veronica: Sureeee (in a trance, still)

Erica: Suit yourself, find out the hard way.

(rolls eyes)

Veronica: Yeah, whatever. (Dm'ing him, now.)

by noneseriously10 September 28, 2020