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Dewi mean 'angel' in Indonesia language. The person who named Dewi, really represent with the meaning of it. Dewi such a beautiful woman with a pure heart. She always caring each other and everyone loves her so much.

A : I never meet someone who's really beautiful

B : maybe you should see Dewi

by nooneknow November 22, 2021


She's wonderful person with warm heart, loveable one, and free soul with wisdom. She used to think that other people problem is her problem too, that's why she always caring each other. She always work hard every single day and never give up about her dreams. She has a beautiful smile and she's kinda cute. She likes to travel and go to somewhere to find out something new. Sometimes she likes to cuddle with her partner, and sometimes she need someone to caring and listening her own problems. She looks strong outside, but her heart is easy to break. It's important to know that she's independent woman, such gorgeous and amazing person.

A : Can you introduce to me the one person that have a pure heart?
B : You can call her name, Alfira.

by nooneknow November 22, 2021