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a school

1:hey wanna go to columbine?

2:no, its our school.
3: i heard eric and dilan are there tho
2: im comin

by not a twitter user January 15, 2022


a social media app that became a opinion cum hole

*on twitter hot topics*
1:"So this guy 'Chris' said gay like 4 decades ago! he is a homophobic piece of shit, a neo-nazi!"
2:"wdym he is homophobic? he just said gay and nothing else lolo"
1:" fucking asshole get doxxed, next im ddosing you"
2:"isnt that the public mcdonalds IP address? dumbass"
1:"you still support this fucking hitler!"
2:" i support him as not hitler, because he didnt do anything lol"
2:"Oh come on"

by not a twitter user January 15, 2022