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Just some Hispanic dude who wants help but is too scared to ask because he thinks that he's is a burden to everyone around him. he tends to bottle up hi emotions to hide the fact that he is going through a rough time in his life, so that he doesn't worry anybody around him. he tends to fall in love with a girl too easily but can't act on those feelings he thinks and knows that he'll probably be rejected and he has already been hurt by love so many times he doesn't want to go through that kind of pain anymore. Javier puts up a fake act to make it seem that he is ok and is happy, when in reality he he probably cried himself to sleep the night before. he tries to meet the expectations of those around him but he always lets them down (or at least that's what he sees for the most part). Javier is someone who is an openminded person and will always hear you out whenever you need someone to talk to but he himself won't speak much about what's on his mind. Javier is also someone who has a messed up sleeping schedule because of all the nights he stays up thinking of how shitty his life is.in general a Javier is someone who just wants to find happiness and someone who he could trust, his #1 dream is to be laying down on a couch with his girlfriend/ partner while watching a movie on a cold night drinking a hot chocolate. THAT is what a Javier wants and needs, some whom he can talk to about his feelings and all the pain he's been through would also help Javier

p1: Javier are u ok?

Javier: yeah I'm all good a bit tired though.

by not free water October 10, 2022