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The Dark Knight. Originally a DC comic book, then sprouted into a TV series, then a cartoon, and then different motion pictures. Batman is known world wide. Bruce Waynes parents were killed when he was just a child, so now he seeks vengenace on all criminals in Gotham City. His arch-nemisis is The Joker. Batman has many villians, but with his martial arts fighting style, great strength, and a belt full of awesome gadgets, they are all a piece of cake.

Robin is Batmans side-kick. There have been many Robins, starting with Jason Todd. Jason Todd soon left Batman and joined the Teen Titans. The Robin after him was Dick Grayson. After Dick Grayson got older, he left Batman and joined the Teen Titans. Batmans newest side-kick Robin is Tim Drake, who hasn't left him yet.

Robin: Holy oil slick Batman! They got away!

Batman: I am vengenace. I am the knight. I am Batman.

by not so super hero June 7, 2005

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