very tall and may want to talk to you about tall people stuff. This may be to a person as tall or a small percent shorter than him.
I saw a Max Rossitto on the weekend. He was massive.
neenes smith is some rlly sexc girl who always knows how to treat her bfs right. she is funny and has a good sense of humor and is very cute and will always know how to cheer someone up. neenes smith likes avocado and is good at doing handsprings backwards. she knows how to jump with a little more skill and cant make it into santas little helpers cause shes tall.
neenes smith has a bf called nozz
neenes smith is sexc
some rlly tall dude that no one likes. he has trash hit register and gets carried by omasu every time he plays bed wars or sky wars. his old keyboard had a broken spacebar and 3 key for quite some time until he spent money on a new one. all together he's a great bed defender and can sometimes win
cam clarke slipped in bbq sauce off the edge spilled by hitregister
cam clarke was glazed in bbq sauce by hitregister
red's bed was bed #137 destroyed by cam clarke