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A POS "smart"phone (really just "phone") that people who want to seem quirky and different get to make a crap conversation starter. Objectively worse than iPhone in every way except for a couple of "customization" features that people use to feel better about their choice in devices.

These devices usually only get one or two years of updates compared to the 6 years minimum that all Apple devices get. Some models made by Samsumg are literal bombs not permitted on airplanes.

Normal person: Hey, can you AirDrop me those photos?
Android user: I acTuaLlY haVe aN aNDRoId wIth 6gB oF mEMoRy!!!1!! My dEvICE is tOo fAncY fOr aIrDrOP sO i ActuaLLy can'T.
Normal person: My iPhone has half the memory and literally has twice the battery life, features, and performance. Could I see those photos?
(Sees Android pics)
Normal person: Nevermind, I don't want those photos. The original iPhone takes better photos.

by notaratio March 19, 2023


This is a word that should be used to describe an event where a clever comment on a Tweet gets more likes than the original post. Sadly, this has turned into a phrase people use when they can't win an argument, and in the process of commenting only the words "ratio", they lose the ratio.

Example of a real ratio
OP (Original poster): It's ♡ NOVEMBER♡ let's see how many legends are still listening to {random song}!
Gets 10 likes
Replier: Does anyone still do this?
Gets 100 likes
The replier has just ratioed the OP.

Stupid ratio that rarely works
OP: Earth is a planet (10 likes)
Replier: Ratio!!111!!1! (0 likes)

by notaratio November 10, 2021