Source Code

abraham and turkey sandwich lincoln

what have you done

Guy: abraham and turkey sandwich lincoln
Cashier: Sir this is a McDonalds.

by notarealperson111 December 8, 2020

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Apparently the perfect pronunciation of "Roblox" according to news anchors

"And now, a popular game on the Internet, Rawblocks"
"what the hell"

by notarealperson111 December 7, 2020


how did you pronouce Roblox this way

Look at that news anchor, he pronounced Roblox as Rawblocks!

by notarealperson111 November 18, 2020

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A random number

bro why did you search 1850 how bored are you

by notarealperson111 November 17, 2020

do you know the muffin man


"do you know the muffin man?"
"no, i actually don't-"
"the muffin man, the muffin man"
"please sto-"
"who lives on Drury Lane"

by notarealperson111 December 21, 2020

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž




by notarealperson111 December 14, 2020

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

extended warranty

i would like to speak to you about your car's extended warranty

"hi i would like to speak about your car's extended warranty"

by notarealperson111 July 31, 2021

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž