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An Anti-Nationalist is a person opposed to Nationalism, which is the rigid belief in the superiority of a country - usually the person's country - over all other countries.|
A Nationalist might say that an Anti-Nationalist is a person who hates his or her own country. In some cases, that might be true, but in the majority of cases it is an untrue stereot ype.
The majority of Anti-Nationalists are against the notion that their country is automatically superior to another or any other, because although they are patriots, they understand that countries are human constructs and are equally likely to be victims of human failings... in fact, one of the failings of humans is a perverted form of Nationalism that claims that all opposition is entirely wrong.

He called me an Anti-Nationalist because I favored Brazil in the World Cup. But his belief that the USA was superior to Brazil was entirely mistaken, after Brazil won the World Cup and the US team didn't even make it past the quarter-finals.

by notavictim February 2, 2020

61👍 9👎


A particularly anal and obnoxious attitude, characterized by meaningless obstruction and resistance to things which have no effect on the person with the attitude. When challenged, the person might say "I'm against you just because I can be"

Some of the editors on urban dictionary are just simple urbdickshites.

by notavictim January 28, 2010

7👍 1👎


Excellent. Extremely good, one of the best.

This is not uncommon in England but is most often heard in people who are Cockney, or close to it.
It's never used for some things, but often for others. A cake is never bramah, but the baker who baked it could be. A novel would not be, but its author could be.

"Noel Coward was a charmer.
As a writer he was bramah."

(Ian Dury, from his song "There Ain't Half Been Some Clever Bastards"

by notavictim September 11, 2019


The feminist movement has sought for years to address the imbalance present in a hierarchical, i.e. male-dominated, society. Recognition of female members of society has been progressing for many years, however it is a long, slow road.
Some radical feminists were too eager for change and believed that words that included male identifiers should be revised to include female identifiers. Although "chairman"and "spokesman" were easily dealt with (becoming "chairperson" and "spokesperson" respectively) others were not.

Some were believed to be male identifiers but, in fact, were not. One of the most notable was the "his" in "history", which was changed to "herstory". Yet others were selectively ignored for reasons best known to the activists; their omission paints a picture of the mental state of some revisionists. They include "hissy fit" and "histrionics", and such blind selectivity is now known as "herstrionics" and "hersy fits".

She gave way to a bout of herstrionics by insisting that we refer to Manchester as Personchester, and that the change was persondatory.

by notavictim May 18, 2019