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A literal god

I pledge of allegiance to Otterpop the kawaii queen

by nothingnothingnothing February 2, 2022


1) when written in caps, using smiley faces, or exclamation points, it means "laugh out loud", and you really are laughing, or at least have a smile on your face 2) something you say when there's nothing else you can think of to say back to the person 3) you didn't really think it was funny, but they thought so, so you have to give them SOME kind of response! 4) what you reply to people when you just erased your texts, forgot what you were talking about, and the next text you get says lolll! you have no idea where it came from, but you'd better pretend!

texting person #1: and then i fell over his cat and broke my arm LOLLL! it was SOOO funny!!!
texting person #2: lol

by nothingnothingnothing November 6, 2010

2👍 2👎