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The best day to go out to the only gay/lesbian bar in Columbia and get laid.

person 1: what you doing tonight?
person 2: going to soco.
person 1: ah...oh yeah your gay...have fun

by ocfangurl March 17, 2005

4πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

you oughtta know

one of the best alanis songs that practically bitch-slaps her ex for fucking up their relationship cause he couldn't keep it in his pants or something..

song really says it all man

by ocfangurl March 17, 2005

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

but i'm a cheerleader

1. a great movie with some chick and Clea DeVull, about going to a gay-brainwashing camp to turn you straight and how these two say fuck it and get it on with each other.
2. a cheerleader/sorority sister who'll refuse to be labelled as bisexual or a lesbian but still insists on fucking a girl every nite.

1. Megan: Cheers are supposed to be simple, make people feel good.
Graham: Cheers make girls do stupid cartwheels. Orgasms make people feel good.
2. your roomate who'll refuse the fact that she likes you more than she'll ever admit cause she's a chicken shit

by ocfangurl March 17, 2005

35πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


1.the worst thing to ever come up and bite kagome and inuyasha's realtionship in the ass.
2.zombie psycho bitch that sucks the souls of other people to maintain her own life. (see ex girlfriend)

person 1: goddamn, that girl is such a kikyo
person 2: your right, i fucking hate her, she's always in the way.

by ocfangurl March 17, 2005

117πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž

bad touch

1.a song by the bloodhound gang about kinky sex
2.anything you do alone
3.a song to sing if you want kinky sex

person 1: woo me with loving words
person 2: ...love you clean up with a mop and bucket...we can do it doggy style so we can both watch sex files...
person 1: i love you

by ocfangurl March 17, 2005

87πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

columbia, mo

A small, yet homophobic town where people are primarily distracted by frat parties and field parties.

person 1: there's nothing to do
person 2: lets so drink in the middle of corn
person 1: yeah that sounds like a blast!

by ocfangurl March 17, 2005

17πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

ex best friend

a guy that you thought was your friend and just turns out to be an ass who thinks he's really your boyfriend and that you love him, even thought you've told him for years that:
1.you're gay, you don't swing that way
2.even if he was a chick..no
3.you don't like him like that.
then proceeds to try to kill you several times and beat you up cause you hate him

jake, psycho extrodinare

by ocfangurl March 17, 2005

16πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž