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Shortened version of the term "Donkey" when referring to a poor poker player.

"That guy is such a donk -- he bet 10x the big blind with 10-3 offsuit."

by odieodieo September 1, 2009

63👍 24👎


This occurs when a person hears a song on the radio, hummed or sung by someone else nearby, with the end result being that your mind repeats the song over and over again until it is forgotten or superceded by another song.

"As few seconds after Chris started humming the theme to 'Team America', the words 'America... Fuck yeah!' repeated in my head. It was then that I knew I'd been song-fucked, and would need to cleanse my palate with another song or play a video game to get my mind off that damn song."

by odieodieo September 1, 2009


(v.) To insert a gerbil into a vagina.

I went to a sex show in Scandinavia and this chick totally vagerbilled in front of everybody. I wanted to look away, but a vagerbil is like a train wreck... you just can't stop watching.

by odieodieo February 2, 2011