Penned by Blognigger, a twaggot is a smug, self-congratulatory twitter user who obsessively uses the site to attempt to make witticisms and get closer to genuinely witty people they can vaguely namedrop in conversation. Unfortunately a twaggot can do neither successfully, so their foray into hip media outlets soon comes to a close when they realise they are not interesting or funny.
"@stephenfry This is wonderful!! Warmest greetings from the PPR! After your sojourn you should join us for a picnic...We'll walk on custard!" - Now THAT is a twaggot
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A complex melody or a chord sequence that sounds brilliant put in a musicians head, but sounds bizzare when actually played in front fellow bandmates.
"Yeah, get ready for this next riff, its got like 2 measures of 5/4 then 1 of 13/16 then 2 measures of 7/8 at the end"
"Oh god you were brainjamming at work again weren't you, Steve"
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